"name": "JumbotronData",
"props": {
"subtitle": "Learn to create and develop Node.js applications and maintainable web APIs with ease.",
"illustration": "node-js-fundamentals-training"

"name": "TOC",
"props": [
"id": "thistrainingisforyouif",
"innerText": "This training is for you if..."
"id": "aboutthetrainingnodejsfundamentals",
"innerText": "About the training"
"id": "agenda",
"innerText": "Agenda"
"id": "signupforthetraining",
"innerText": "Sign up for the training"

This training is for you if...

  • you want to learn how to bootstrap and design projects,
  • you want to create and develop Node.js applications,
  • you want to create complex and maintainable web APIs.

Topics covered during this training

  • Node.js Basics
  • Setting Up a Project
  • API Design
  • Networking
  • Database Design
  • Authentication
  • Testing
  • Best Practices
  • Queues and Workers

About the Training: Node.js Fundamentals

This training is aimed at developers who want to fast-track their journey of learning Node.js by getting hands-on experience in building servers with it.

This training is also available as an in-house, on-site opportunity.

In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!


Day 1

1. Node.js Basics

  • Learn the basics of Node.js and when to use it.
  • Async programming patterns, events and streams.
  • Covering the most important Node.js modules.

2. Setting Up a Project

  • How to use npm and npm scripts and how to set up a basic project.
  • The role of environmental variables and how to manage them with dotenv.

3. API Design

  • How to use express and how to design an API skeleton, which can be filled with logic later.

4. Networking

  • How to fetch data from other APIs through the OpenStreetMap project.

5. Database Handling

  • How to setup and connect to an SQL database or MongoDB.
  • Designing our model abstractions on top of the database and connecting them with our API.

Day 2

6. Authentication

  • Learn how to create and manage sessions and how to use JWT tokens.

7. Testing

  • Unit testing and mocking with mocha, chai and sinon.
  • End-to-end testing.

8. Best Practices

  • Best practices - including logging, caching, application lifecycle and healthcheck.

9. Queues and Workers

  • Creating a worker process
  • Learn how to connect it to the API with queues.
  • Learn how to create jobs and how to schedule them.

Sign up for the training

In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!

"name": "TrainingLocations",
"props": [
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-barcelona-2019",
"location": "Barcelona",
"scheduled": "April 8-9, 2019",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-new-york-2018",
"location": "New York",
"scheduled": "June 7-8, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-tel-aviv-2018",
"location": "Tel-Aviv",
"scheduled": "May 23-24, 2018",
"soldOut": true

"name": "Team",
"props": [
"image": "kadlecsik_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Kadlecsik",
"description": "Tamas Kadlecsik is the CEO of RisingStack and an expert on Microservices, Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. Tamas has delivered more than 20 trainings in the past 3 years, and he's also a popular author:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-at-scale-understanding-node-js-event-loop/",
"title": "Understanding the Node.js Event Loop"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/mastering-async-await-in-nodejs/",
"title": "Mastering Async Await in Node.js"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-mysql-example-handling-hundred-gigabytes-of-data/",
"title": "Node.js + MySQL Example: Handling 100's of GigaBytes of Data"
"image": "czibik_peter.jpg",
"name": "Péter Czibik",
"description": "Peter joined RisingStack as one of the first team members 5 years ago. He has been helping companies adopt Node.js via trainings, on-line seminars and inhouse consulting sessions. Check out his blogposts:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/nodejs-microservices-scaling-case-study/",
"title": "Serving Millions of Users in Real-Time with Node.js & Microservices "
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/consumer-driven-contract-testing-with-node-js-pact/",
"title": "Consumer Driven Contract Testing with Node.js & Pact"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-native-modules-with-rust/",
"title": "Writing fast and safe native Node.js modules with Rust"
"image": "hodi_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Hódi",
"description": "Tamas Hodi is a key player at RisingStack in building infrastructures that can scale efficiently. When it comes to DevOps, microservices, AWS or Kubernetes he’s the one we listen to the most.",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/how-to-build-and-deploy-a-cloud-native-node-js-app-in-15-minutes-7b540f7fde14",
"title": "How to Build and Deploy a Cloud Native Node.js App in 15 minutes"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/case-study-nameserver-issue-investigation-using-curl-dig-trace-nslookup/",
"title": "Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation using curl, dig+trace & nslookup"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-async-best-practices-avoiding-callback-hell-node-js-at-scale/",
"title": "Node.js Async Best Practices & Avoiding the Callback Hell"