"name": "JumbotronData",
"props": {
"subtitle": "Become familiar with state management (Redux or MobX) and front-end routing, and get comfortable with bootstrapping, developing and scaling React applications.",
"illustration": "modern-front-end-with-react-training"
"name": "TOC",
"props": [
"id": "thistrainingisforyouif",
"innerText": "This training is for you if..."
"id": "aboutthetrainingmodernfrontendwithreact",
"innerText": "About the training"
"id": "agenda",
"innerText": "Agenda"
"id": "signupforthetraining",
"innerText": "Sign up for the training"
This training is for you if...
- you want to improve your front-end skills,
- you want to build application prototypes rapidly,
- you want to create complex and maintainable websites.
Topics covered during this training
- What is React and when to use it?
- Setting up a React project
- JSX and rendering
- Creating React components
- Project design and structuring
- Complex state management with Redux or MobX
- Networking on the client-side
- Routing with React Router
- Creating a real-world React app
About the Training: Modern Front-End with React
During this two-day long training, you will learn how to create a real-life React application from the ground up. On top of that, we will cover the principles behind React and learn how to design and structure complex front-end applications.
By the end of the training, you will be familiar with state management (Redux or MobX) and front-end routing, and you will be comfortable with bootstrapping, developing and scaling React applications.
This training is also available as an in-house, on-site opportunity.
In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!
Day 1
1. React primer
- The basics of front-end apps
- What is React and when to use it?
- Introducing the virtual DOM
- The benefits of components
- ES6 and React
2. Setting up a React project
- Introducing create-react-app
- Introducing components
- Mounting an app
- Development and bundling
3. JSX and rendering
- What is JSX and how does it work?
- Introducing the render method and view updates
- When does render run?
4. Creating React components
- Introducing props and state
- Handling events
- Native state management and controlled components
- Lifecycle events and hooks
5. Project design and structuring
- Project structuring
- Stateful and stateless components
- Containers and presentational components
Day 2
6. Complex state management with Redux or MobX
- Why is React’s own setState not enough?
- Actions and reactions
- Async actions and state changes
7. Networking on the client-side
- Handling async networking
- Updating the state
8. Routing with React Router
- Implementing basic routes and links
- Programmatic routing
- Protected routes and redirects
- Handling query parameters
9. Creating a real-world React app
- Rapid and maintainable development
- Quick test deployment with Now
Sign up for the training
In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!
"name": "TrainingLocations",
"props": [
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/modern-front-end-with-react-berlin-2018",
"location": "Berlin",
"scheduled": "March 12-13, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/modern-front-end-with-react-tel-aviv-2018",
"location": "Tel-Aviv",
"scheduled": "April 16-17, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/modern-front-end-with-react-barcelona-2018",
"location": "Barcelona",
"scheduled": "May 17-18, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"name": "Team",
"props": [
"image": "kadlecsik_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Kadlecsik",
"description": "Tamas Kadlecsik is the CEO of RisingStack and an expert on Microservices, Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. Tamas has delivered more than 20 trainings in the past 3 years, and he's also a popular author:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-at-scale-understanding-node-js-event-loop/",
"title": "Understanding the Node.js Event Loop"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/mastering-async-await-in-nodejs/",
"title": "Mastering Async Await in Node.js"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-mysql-example-handling-hundred-gigabytes-of-data/",
"title": "Node.js + MySQL Example: Handling 100's of GigaBytes of Data"
"image": "czibik_peter.jpg",
"name": "Péter Czibik",
"description": "Peter joined RisingStack as one of the first team members 5 years ago. He has been helping companies adopt Node.js via trainings, on-line seminars and inhouse consulting sessions. Check out his blogposts:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/nodejs-microservices-scaling-case-study/",
"title": "Serving Millions of Users in Real-Time with Node.js & Microservices "
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/consumer-driven-contract-testing-with-node-js-pact/",
"title": "Consumer Driven Contract Testing with Node.js & Pact"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-native-modules-with-rust/",
"title": "Writing fast and safe native Node.js modules with Rust"
"image": "hodi_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Hódi",
"description": "Tamas Hodi is a key player at RisingStack in building infrastructures that can scale efficiently. When it comes to DevOps, microservices, AWS or Kubernetes he’s the one we listen to the most.",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/how-to-build-and-deploy-a-cloud-native-node-js-app-in-15-minutes-7b540f7fde14",
"title": "How to Build and Deploy a Cloud Native Node.js App in 15 minutes"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/case-study-nameserver-issue-investigation-using-curl-dig-trace-nslookup/",
"title": "Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation using curl, dig+trace & nslookup"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-async-best-practices-avoiding-callback-hell-node-js-at-scale/",
"title": "Node.js Async Best Practices & Avoiding the Callback Hell"