"name": "JumbotronData",
"props": {
"subtitle": "Learn to operate scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed applications and learn to overcome DevOps challenges using Kubernetes.",
"illustration": "handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-training"
"name": "TOC",
"props": [
"id": "thistrainingisforyouif",
"innerText": "This training is for you if..."
"id": "aboutthetraininghandlingmicroserviceswithkubernetes",
"innerText": "About the training"
"id": "agenda",
"innerText": "Agenda"
"id": "signupforthetraining",
"innerText": "Sign up for the training"
This training is for you if...
- you are considering expanding your DevOps skills with a future-proof platform,
- you want to understand Kubernetes better,
- or you want to migrate to Kubernetes.
Topics covered during this training
- Kubernetes & Docker
- Basic resource overview
- Deploy the first application
- Getting ready for production
- Advanced resources
- Services & Networking
- Package Handling for Kubernetes
- Monitoring with Prometheus & Zipkin
- Platform management tools
About the Training: Handling Microservices with Kubernetes
During this two-day long training, we will cover the fundamentals needed to understand the open source Kubernetes ecosystem. You'll learn to operate scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed applications while keeping the infrastructure management easy.
During the training, we'll work with a microservices architecture and deploy the dockerized services into a Kubernetes cluster, set up application secrets, use load balancers, rate-limiters, take a look at some popular management tools and apply several design principles and best practices coming with microservices.
Check out our Designing Microservice Architecture Training to learn more about the architectural method.
This training is also available as an in-house, on-site opportunity.
In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!
Day 1
1. Intro
- Containers
- Kubernetes
2. Getting Started with Kubernetes
- Resource overview (node, pod, deployment, service, secret, volume)
- Configure the CLI tool
- Deploy your first application
- Get ready for production! (apply like health check, graceful start & shutdown, deploy strategies)
Day 2
3. Advanced resource usage
- Resource overview (job, daemon set, replica set, stateful set, sidecar)
- Services & Networking (hpa, load balancer, ingress, egress)
4. Platform management tools
- Helm: use charts and manage releases
- Istio: connect, manage, and secure microservices (load balancer, rate-limiter, circuit breaker, deployment strategies)
- Spinnaker: extend the available deployment strategies
5. Monitoring
- Prometheus & Grafana the open-source solution
- Meaningful metrics
Sign up for the training
In case you have any questions regarding this training, or you’d like to invite our team to provide a training exclusively for your company, please reach out to us at [email protected] or click the "invite us" button and use the form!
"name": "TrainingLocations",
"props": [
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-barcelona-2019",
"location": "Barcelona",
"scheduled": "April 8-9, 2019",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-new-york-2018",
"location": "New York",
"scheduled": "June 7-8, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"href": "https://ti.to/risingstack/handling-microservices-with-kubernetes-tel-aviv-2018",
"location": "Tel-Aviv",
"scheduled": "May 23-24, 2018",
"soldOut": true
"name": "Team",
"props": [
"image": "kadlecsik_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Kadlecsik",
"description": "Tamas Kadlecsik is the CEO of RisingStack and an expert on Microservices, Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies. Tamas has delivered more than 20 trainings in the past 3 years, and he's also a popular author:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-at-scale-understanding-node-js-event-loop/",
"title": "Understanding the Node.js Event Loop"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/mastering-async-await-in-nodejs/",
"title": "Mastering Async Await in Node.js"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-mysql-example-handling-hundred-gigabytes-of-data/",
"title": "Node.js + MySQL Example: Handling 100's of GigaBytes of Data"
"image": "czibik_peter.jpg",
"name": "Péter Czibik",
"description": "Peter joined RisingStack as one of the first team members 5 years ago. He has been helping companies adopt Node.js via trainings, on-line seminars and inhouse consulting sessions. Check out his blogposts:",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/nodejs-microservices-scaling-case-study/",
"title": "Serving Millions of Users in Real-Time with Node.js & Microservices "
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/consumer-driven-contract-testing-with-node-js-pact/",
"title": "Consumer Driven Contract Testing with Node.js & Pact"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-native-modules-with-rust/",
"title": "Writing fast and safe native Node.js modules with Rust"
"image": "hodi_tamas.jpg",
"name": "Tamás Hódi",
"description": "Tamas Hodi is a key player at RisingStack in building infrastructures that can scale efficiently. When it comes to DevOps, microservices, AWS or Kubernetes he’s the one we listen to the most.",
"blogposts": [
"url": "https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/how-to-build-and-deploy-a-cloud-native-node-js-app-in-15-minutes-7b540f7fde14",
"title": "How to Build and Deploy a Cloud Native Node.js App in 15 minutes"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/case-study-nameserver-issue-investigation-using-curl-dig-trace-nslookup/",
"title": "Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation using curl, dig+trace & nslookup"
"url": "https://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-async-best-practices-avoiding-callback-hell-node-js-at-scale/",
"title": "Node.js Async Best Practices & Avoiding the Callback Hell"